29 January 2013

january in photos

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Not pictured: hours upon hours spent studying for the multiple exams I have this week, falling asleep while reading, some more studying, feeling all cocooned in an over-sized hoodie, some more studying, and melting down because I don't know what I'm doing with my life. 

Also, I got a hedgehog. So that's kinda cool.


  1. Can I come over and hold Smudge, because he's kinda the cutest thing ever! :)

  2. Aaaaa, there are just too many things to comment about:

    1. The picture with the headphones and the one with the hairbun are lovely
    2. But then they all are
    3. The hedgehog!!! What an amazing pet!!!
    4. Hang on with the studying for a while, and then when you're calmer get some perspective. I guess. :) That's what's worked for me in the past at least.

