15 June 2012

stepping outside of my comfort zone


The above two quotes were running through  my head constantly this past week as I put on my big kid pants and prepped for my very first job interview. It's a scary thing, growing up, and no matter how much you learn about job interview do's and dont's in school you're always gonna be shaking when the moment comes that you are actually sitting in an office across from an interviewer, or in my case, sitting in an office with nine other applicants and four interviewers.

To be completely honest, on Tuesday when I got off the phone with the manager who invited me in for a group interview I laughed and said "yeah right, that's not happening", but happen it did. I convinced myself that all things good in life come with hard work, and sometimes I just need to take one measly step outside of my comfort zone (or in this case, 342 steps) and get it over with. And now it's done. And come Monday, I may or may not have a job at Walmart. And whether I get good news or bad, this was one of those things that just had to happen for me to learn and grow (although I'd much rather get good news- fingers and toes are crossed!).

xoxo - hope


  1. That's awesome Hope!! :) I'm actually working on something similar in my own life. I hope you get the job!

  2. oooh I WISH I could get a job! Good luck!


  3. I hope you get the job! Will you let us know whether you do or not?
    I have yet to go for a job interview and I am pretty sure that I will be scared to death. Good for you!
