I have troubles with blogging sometimes. When I can't think of what to say or find the proper words to express how I'm feeling I normally just give up. It's hard to put what your feeling into words sometimes, and it can get a little frustrating. I recently read a post on bloggers and blogging that talks about how making your own content rather than stealing other bloggers' ideas is so important, and it got me thinking. Sometimes making your own content is not easy. Sometimes I sit at my computer for hours, barely spitting out two sentences, get majorly frustrated, then close my computer and walk away. But from now on I'm gonna try a new style of writing. Not one that's meant to inspire, but rather something from the heart, or brain I guess. Whatever I'm feeling, whatever I'm doing, whatever's going on around me will somehow be put into words, which means this blog may contain a whole lot of rambling. It also means I may not be posting as often as normal.
30 April 2012
28 April 2012
Little, big, short, or long, moments are what I aim to capture.
Some favourite moments from this week?
Getting out of the house, a pro-d day, playing and hanging out with the little dude, slightly warmer weather, a class field trip, early nights, beautiful blooming flowers, a family dinner, and a new phone.
Some not so favourite moments?
Two Science projects due within a week of each other, long and rainy days, and sending my grandma off for a month-long trip to England and Sweden (totally jealous).
What were some of your favourite moments this week? :)
xoxo - hope
26 April 2012
the blackberry graveyard
Apparently I suck at taking care of my phones. Case in point- I've been through three BlackBerry Curves in the last five months. The first two were put into my cardigan pocket and slammed into the car door which pressured the screen, making texts completely unreadable. The third though, was unfortunately stolen when I was sitting on the seat right next to it. Total bummer. I was hoping third times the charm, but I guess not.
Maybe the fourth times the charm?
xoxo - a wanting to ramble, very bad phone-keeper hope
24 April 2012
on inspiration
I've had an awfully hard time getting and being inspired lately. I look at the photos I'm taking and am not happy with what I see. Sometimes I wonder if photography is over for me, if it was just another one of those silly hobbies, but then I shake it off because I couldn't ever imagine living without it. I look at my photos from last spring and summer when photography was so new to me and dozens of photos were taken each day and am in love with my images. Maybe it's the gloomy weather, maybe it's because I've been busy, or maybe it's just a phase, but I haven't been feeling it for a loooong time.
I've been thinking a lot about whether or not to start some kind of photo-a-day project. Not so much a 365, but maybe a month-long photo-a-day or for the length of summer. I kind of blamed my last 365 for stealing my inspiration because when I so badly needed to put the camera down for a few days, I couldn't. Eventually I got too stressed out and the project ended, which is why I'm a little hesitant to start another.
Have you ever done a month-long photo-a-day? A summer one? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how to stay inspired!
xoxo - hope
22 April 2012
early evening sunlight
As the temps get warmer, the days longer, and the weather nicer, we often have a beautiful golden light shining through our windows, warming up the entire house. This is one of so many reasons why I love photography. It makes me open my eyes and makes me realize how something so simple can be so beautiful.
20 April 2012
this summer
This summer I will find an empty field, blast some music, and dance barefoot. I will buy multiple frappucinno's, eat a ton of watermelon, and take a trip to New York that I've been anticipating for over a year.
This summer I will adventure, swim, camp, be lazy, eat more sweets than usual, and stay up far past midnight. I will sleep under the stars with nothing but a sleeping bag and take frequent trips to the beach.
This summer I will jump into a lake fully clothed, go to a theme park, and blow bubbles. I will stay up to watch a sunrise, drive around with the windows down, and no doubt take thousands of pictures.
This summer is less than 10 weeks away.
This summer is less than 10 weeks away.
What will you do this summer?
xoxo - hope
18 April 2012
Have you ever wanted to ask me a question but didn't wanna feel like a stalker? Well now's the time- ask me any question at all in the comments below and I'll answer them in either vlog or post form (as long as it's appropriate and not too stalker-ish)! :)
What are you waiting for? Ask away!
xoxo - hope
16 April 2012
listening to // april
A Well Respected Man // The Kinks
Better Together // Jack Johnson
If I Die Young // The Band Perry
Wait For The Sirens To Pass // Atwood
Home // Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
The Girl // City and Colour
Hey Jude // The Beatles
Cough Syrup // Young the Giant
Little Lion Man // Mumford and Sons
Lego House // Ed Sheeran
Tire Swing // Kimya Dawson
Coalmine // Armchair Cynics
All I Want Is You // Bary Louis Polisar
We Are Young // Fun
My Body // Young the Giant
Listen here.
xoxo - hope
14 April 2012
only time can tell
Can we have a little chat about life for a second? Cause it's confusing, wonderful, crazy, awesome, stressful, brilliant, emotional, confusing, frustrating, awkward, strange, upsetting, glorious, confusing, amazing, beautiful, awful, lovely, and did I mention confusing?
Sometimes I just sit down and think. About friends, family, my relationships with them, why we're here, what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, whether I'm opening up enough opportunities for myself, whether or not I should go to college, why a fork's called a fork. The list is honestly never ending. I just sit down, ponder life, and normally end up in tears because I can't possibly make sense of any of it and never get further than when I started.
It's exhausting, confusing, and most definitely frustrating, but there really isn't much I can do, so I normally just sit back, let my emotions run wild, cry it out, then move on.
Maybe I'll get some answers as I grow, or maybe not. I guess it's one of those things that only time can tell.
xoxo - hope
12 April 2012
as of late
I have been busy these past couple of weeks with going to school, babysitting nearly every day, some volunteer work last weekend, and some job hunting this week, but I've also managed to make some time for myself to get out of the house every once and awhile.
Some recent favourites:
A: The Pond

I've taken a liken to this little duck pond behind my house and find myself going for visits quite often, whether it's for some photo taking with the little dude, a quick trip to feed the ducks, or just a walk to clear my head, the pond is the perfect place to be.
B: This Kid
Seriously? That little jig he's got going? I love this kid.
C: Warmer Weather
We are finally starting to get some warmer weather round these parts and I am loving it! It's nice not having to put on a parka or grab an umbrella before leaving the house!
D: Beach Trips
Being adventurous on these rocky shores with friends are some memories I'll never forget. I love that I'm ten minutes from the ocean at all times and love that my jaw can still drop in awe of the beauty that I've been fortunate enough to experience for over half of my life.
E: Full Moon
Enough said.
What are some of your favourites lately?
xoxo - hope
10 April 2012
these rocky shores
I've climbed over the rocks as a child, making little boats out of driftwood, rocks, shells, and sticks, that would be sent out to sea along with flowers to my grandpa who is no longer with us.
I've found an escape in the calmness of the waves hitting the shore and seagulls flying above me, sitting silently and observing the beautiful scenery before me.
I've watched the sun set over the mountains, the sun making the sky transition into shades of orange, red, pink, and yellow before becoming completely hidden by the large, abundant mountains.
I've found a sense of pride in these rocky shores that you could only feel after living half of your life within a ten minute drive from the ocean.
These rocky shores, they mean home.
xoxo - hope
08 April 2012
project 52 { weeks 1-13 }
Have a favourite?
I hope everyone has an awesome Easter spent with family! Try not to consume too much chocolate! ;)
I hope everyone has an awesome Easter spent with family! Try not to consume too much chocolate! ;)
xoxo - hope
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