This post is sorta going to be all over the place because I have a lot of things to talk about and can't find the creativity in me to thread them all together. Just so you don't get bored, I'll throw some random flower pictures in every once and awhile! ;)
In exactly 19 days classes are going to be officially over! 19 days! But of course once classes are over that means its time for final exams, which I should probably start studying for.
I seriously cannot believe how incredibly fast this year has gone. It seems like just yesterday that I was standing in a crowded room, looking for a familiar face while getting my schedule for the year. Grade 9 has been a really great year for me! Last year I had just moved to a new school and didn't know anybody so it was kinda hard to be myself and get to know people. This year though, is an entire different story! Even though I'll be moving back to my hometown in the summer, I now know that I have friends that I know I'll keep in touch with for the rest of my life. Grade 9 truly has been an amazing year with amazing friends, fun & challenges. My first year of High School will always be sketched into my memory.
tetanus shot
Yesterday morning upon getting off the bus at school I walked over to my friends and accidentally stepped on a rusty nail. Since I haven't had a tetanus shot in the last 5 years, I need to get one asap. Ironically, the walk-in clinic has been closed all weekend, so first thing after school tomorrow I have to go get a needle stuck into my arm. -_- Good thing I don't mind needles.
moms birthday
Tomorrow is my moms birthday, and guess who's gonna get the daughter of the year award for not getting her anything? *Sigh* I need a job!
I think this is some sort of flower?
lack of creativity
Lately, I have been feeling such a lack of creativity when it comes to photography. I guess you could call it a photography rut? I keep looking everywhere high and low for some sort of inspiration but I'm completely stumped. What do you do when your in a rut?
i have a cute kitty & taking pictures of books are fun :)
Don't mind my randomness! I think my cat is absolutely adorable, AND books are super fun to take pictures of! ;)
Okay, I'm done. ;)
Hope everybody had an awesome weekend!
P.S. - This is my 50th post!!! :)
**Edit: I actually have 48 posts, 50 with drafts.**