06 May 2011

friday favourites

~school dances



At my school we have 3 dances a year. This particular dance was jungle themed. I wasn't planning on going, but since it will be my last dance at this school before I move back to my hometown in the summer, my friend Dana bought my ticket and insisted that I came. These were taken in bulb mode to show the cool lighting and the fog. Of course I was too busy showing off my mad dance skills (enter sarcastic tone here) so I don't have too many pictures. Let's just say good music and good friends = 3 hours of non-stop arms flailing, fist pumping, feet tapping dancing. Oh yeah.




Muffins That Taste Like Doughnuts to be exact. Dude, they legit taste like doughnuts. I'm warning you!




What Friday Favourites post hasn't included flowers? ;) Thought I'd keep the pattern going!

~the vampire diaries



Vampire Diaries anybody? LOVE! Oh my gosh, last night's episode was so extremely epic! Sure it gets gruesome at times but it's my all-time favourite T.V. show. Even better? It's based on books. :)





I know most of the time I'm complaining about it or wishing for sunshine, but sometimes rain is just what I need, and it makes for great pictures! 

Happy Weekending


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