you know what i like?
i like those little blurry dots of light normally found in the background of photos called bokeh.
i especially like dedicating a whole entire post to photos filled with bokeh.
and i really like it when those photos filled with those pretty little dots were taken at night on the ride home after a baseball game.

i find night-time bokeh enchanting and sweet. there's just something about those colorful balls of light glowing in the dark that make me so happy. call me weird, but bokeh does make me giggle like a little girl at random. bokeh even makes my non-photographer-geek sister happy. we can sit and stare for hours looking at bokeh shots on pinterest and not get bored.
what's one little thing that makes you super happy?
hi-oh, my name is grace. i'm just your typical awkward fourteen year-old homeschooled photographer, choir singer, live-theater actress, blog post writer, and bookworm. i really love the performing arts, and blogging, and taking pictures (obviously). i blog over at lollipops & cupcakes. stop by and say hi, if you want. i would love to meet you :)
thanks Hope, for letting me guest post here on your super-wonderful blog!
I love these, Gracie! I taught my little brother about bokeh, too, and now he points it out when he sees it in a movie :)